Important Note! Want to keep your timeline looking sharp? Use the Edit Timeline window in the Office Timeline Add-in to move objects—dragging and dropping directly on the slide won’t do the trick.
Office Timeline's familiar drag-and-drop interface can help you easily create the desired layout for your timeline or roadmap. Tasks – and virtually every element on the PowerPoint slide – can be repositioned to enhance the graphic and make the best use of space. In this video, we will show you how to:
- Drag & drop tasks into, between, and outside of swimlanes in Edit Timeline;
- Reposition an entire swimlane anywhere on the graphic in Edit Timeline;
- Rearranging tasks with drag & drop from Edit Data;
- Sorting the timeline data from the column headers (exclusively for non-swimlane graphics).
Would you like some tips on how to fit more tasks on your timeline?
Check out this video next!