Office Timeline compatibility with older builds


When we release new versions of Office Timeline, some may come with major changes to the add-in’s engine and new capabilities As a result, slides generated with the newer versions contain extra meta data compared to timelines created with earlier builds. This means that:

A) Slides built with earlier versions of the tool are still editable but will require updating.

B) Older Office Timeline versions may not be able to edit timelines created with newer versions.

A) Updating older timelines

When installing the latest version of Office Timeline, a slide update is sometimes required before being able to edit it because new capabilities need to be added to the slide’s meta data. Updating an older timeline is fast and easy:

  • Open the timeline you want to edit in PowerPoint and select any object on the graphic or click the Edit Data button on the Office Timeline ribbon. If the slide is not compatible with the version of Office Timeline you have installed, a message will pop up asking if you wish to update it.

    error_message 2
  • Simply click Yes - the add-in will create a new slide with your updated timeline and preserve the original too, just in case. If you’re happy with the new slide, you can delete the old one and start editing your timeline.

    old vs updated

To remove the message boxes placed over the timelines, select them and press Delete.

B) Editing slides created with newer Office Timeline builds

Slides created or updated by newer versions of Office Timeline are not always backward-compatible, so when attempting to edit them using an older build, you may get the following message:

old OTL error message

Simply download the latest build and you can then use the timeline without any issues. If there are multiple people in your team who are using Office Timeline and collaborating on project visuals, we recommend them all to update the add-in at the same time so that everyone can edit everyone else’s graphic.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact our friendly support representatives - they are happy to help.