Office Timeline subscription roles and permissions


For easy license management and control, there are four major account roles associated with an Office Timeline subscription, each with its own permissions and privileges:

A) Reseller

B) Subscription Owner

C) License Manager

D) Premium User

The following guide defines these roles and explains what their permissions and limitations are. Read the full article to get accustomed to the role system or jump directly to the section you’re most interested in by clicking any of the links above. For a quick comparison of role permissions, please see the summary table at the end of this post.

A) Reseller

  1. Definition: The reseller is the individual (merchant) or company that has purchased an Office Timeline subscription not for their own use, but for a customer of theirs. 
  2. Permissions: Even though the reseller is the one who made the purchase, the customer named during the checkout process will be the one automatically designated as the owner and license manager of the subscription. As resellers do not have ownership or management rights, they cannot change Office Timeline license managers or distribute licenses to users themselves.

B) Subscription Owner

  1. Definition: The subscription owner is the person who has either purchased an Office Timeline subscription themselves or had it bought for them by a reseller.

  2. Permissions: A subscription owner has the option to designate a license manager at purchase, as well as reassign the management role to another team member at any time. In addition, they have the right to transfer their subscription to someone else within their organization (to do so, please contact us at

Other default roles: By default, the owner will be automatically assigned as the license manager of an Office Timeline subscription if:

  • They purchase the subscription through a reseller;
  • They don’t expressly designate someone to manage licenses at checkout (when purchasing themselves, directly from

In addition, the license management rights will automatically be transferred to the subscription owner when the current license manager revokes their own role.

C) License Manager

  1. Definition: The license manager of an Office Timeline subscription is the person responsible for administering licenses and distributing product keys to users. Once designated as a license manager (whether by default or by the subscription owner), you will receive an email with product installation and activation instructions to help you get started.

  2. Permissions: License managers can revoke their own license management rights, but they cannot assign a new manager themselves – this can be done only by the subscription owner.

D) Premium User

  1. Definition: A premium user is any person who has activated a Basic, Pro, Pro+ or Expert Edition license key on their machine.

  2. Permissions: Pro users get access to Office Timeline’s Pro features until their license expires. Pro+ users enjoy access to Office Timeline’s Pro+ features until their license expires. Expert users enjoy access to Office Timeline's Expert features until their license expire. Basic (legacy) users enjoy access to Office Timeline’s Basic features until their license expires.

Note: When their license expires, users can still access Office Timeline, but the add-in will revert to the Free version and the premium features will no longer be available.

Office Timeline Role Comparison Table
