Create planning timelines that are not date-specific


To illustrate projects that don't have specific dates determined yet (e.g. project start and end, task or milestone dates), you can create dateless timelines using Office Timeline's Timescale settings and Hide Date features. Here's how:


  1. Set up your data in Office Timeline entering fictitious but relative dates for your tasks and/or milestones. For instance, in our data list below, we used 07.25.2021 - 08.01.2021 for the 5-day task called "Submit Approval".

  2. After creating your timeline, select the timeband and click Timescale Settings from the Style Pane on the right.

  3. In the window that pops up, open the Scales tab and change the Units to Weeks or Days, which won't show any dates on the timescale.

  4. Now select any task date on the timeline and, again from the Style Pane, turn off the green toggle button you'll see next to the Milestone Date header. This will hide the selected date (or dates). To quickly apply the change to all tasks, click on the down arrow next to Apply to All and pick Visibility from the menu.

  5. Repeat the same steps for milestones to hide their dates.

  6. Finally, you can also switch on Task Duration from the Style Pane, if you wish to show a count (in days or weeks) on each of your timeline's tasks. Below you can see how our dateless timeline ended up looking:
